You're Not Awkward-You've Just Had Awkward Photos Taken

-phil chester







It is best to just let go and trust me.

Don't Worry, I Gotcha!

Think of your photo session as more of a relaxed hang out. I just happen to have my camera. You don't have to be perfect, or twist yourself into a pretzel. Just explore and have fun. It is easier than you think it is.

Think Outside The Box

SURPRISE! We don’t need to shoot on the highest mountain top for epic photos. As you probably noticed, I’m a sucker for a good mountain sunset, BUT the best photos sometimes are the ones that don’t try so hard. Some of the most iconic photos are in the most mundane places. The photos should resemble who YOU are! Not into hiking? Let's hang in your back yard, or go on your favorite sunset walk through town. Heck, we can even chill out in your living room. Whatever makes you, you, that's what we should do!